Saturday, 16 November 2013

Kylie's Perspective

Happy Holidays Everyone! And to those of you who celebrate, Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy your present. It's been almost a month since I last did a Kylie caption, so I figured it was about time for her to make another appearance. Hopefully it'll give you a laugh or two.
From the way things are looking now, I'm going to try to start turning out new material on a regular basis again starting this week. I'm going to try to go back to the regular schedule, but if that doesn't work I'm still going to push for three new captions anyway. It's been too long since I was regularly writing new material for all you amazing readers, so it's time for me to get back on top of things.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy any festivities you're taking part in, even if that just means some quality time with our good friend the Internet. See you Monday.

Friday, 15 November 2013


First post of 2012. I originally had wanted it to be something dramatic and epic, something that would really set the tone for the rest of the year. Thought provoking and deep, the sort of piece that really makes a reader stop and look at their own lives. But then I decided to scrap that idea and go with smut instead. After all, sex sells.
But in all seriousness, I'm hoping for another great year of captions. I've already got a few longer pieces lined up and ready to go, so if everything continues to go well you should be seeing them shortly. Happy 2012 everyone, make it a great year, as we're all dead come December 21st!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Nate's Stranger

This is a unique caption for me. Mostly because if I had made it for myself, it would have been very different. But this caption wasn't for me, it was a request by Amber Smithe. I've done a few other requests for her, and in the past I've deviated a bit from her guidelines to make a caption that better fits my style. But for this one, I decided to do exactly what she wanted: multiple images on each panel (which I believe is a first for me, or at least extremely rare), a full transformation description, and a slow mental change to finish. So am I happy with how it turned out? I don't know yet. Since this caption is almost entirely Amber's idea, I'm only going to be happy if she enjoys it. Here's hoping I did her vision justice.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Big, Bouncy, Boobies

I love alliteration. Nothing creates a playful tone as quickly or as easily. Anyway, here's something I threw together to hold you all over until I finish my next request. I just realized I've been sitting on it for over a month, so hopefully I can get it finished this weekend at the latest. December really, wasn't a good month for me. At my current captioning rate I'll double my output this month, and I honestly thought I was off to a slow start this year. I'm considering switching to loose schedule for 2012. I still want to turn out three captions a week, but I'm not sure if I want regularly scheduled update days. Let me know if have an opinion one way or the other, I'm interested to see what you all think.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

A Taste

Hey everyone. I'm going to be out of town next week for a much needed vacation. It's not so much as a break from what I've been doing, as one last chance to relax before my work for 2012 really begins. Anyway, I wanted to leave you all with one last caption before. It's been a little while since I've gone full out seductive. I've done some stuff in the neighborhood of it, but I figured it was time to go back to what I really enjoy writing. Branching out is great, and I love trying out new stuff, but there's nothing quite like going back to your wheelhouse. I hope you like it, and I'll see you all soon.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Safe Bet

Sorry for the lack of new material lately, I've been busier than I thought and even when I was free I didn't have much motivation to write. But I wanted to at least get out one new caption this week, so here it is. I'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out, but that's okay. It's main purpose was to get me back into the habit of writing so hopefully my motivation doesn't desert me again when I find free time. That being said, expect light updates for a bit until I get a handle on my current work schedule. I'd still like to turn out a few captions a week, but I'll have to wait and see. I hope you all are having a good week so far, and good luck finishing it out.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Ready to Accept

Another quickie I put together to keep up the caption making momentum. I've got a few ideas for some longer pieces, but I want to hold off until I'm sure I can do them justice. Have a good weekend everyone.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Seriously Fucked

Things still suck for me as far as free time goes, but I was able to find enough today to get out a new caption for you. I apologize for the crappy image quality, but it was the best I could do. I've been looking for an image set for this story for months, and I finally found one that worked. So while the quality's not great, it's better than nothing and beggars can't be choosers. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it. I had fun writing something a little darker than I've been doing recently, and being vulgar is always a good time. Have a good weekend everyone.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Not Slutty Enough

What? Two captions in one week? That's right boys and girls, and I can't believe it either. But before you get your hopes up, let me come right out and say this isn't some of my best writing, just something quick and fun. I was really tired while making this, but I still felt a strong desire to make a caption anyway. I haven't had that in a while, so it was nice to have a little inspiration again. So please excuse any typos, I'll proofread this again tomorrow just to make sure I didn't miss anything, but I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible as I've been slacking in terms of the number of updates recently. I probably won't be able to make anything else until after Valentine's Day (hence the reference in the caption) but if I get lucky and find some more free time I'll certainly try.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Birthday Balloon

Something quick and silly to finish out the week. I had some free time last night but I wasn't really in the mood to write anything, so instead I went looking for images. And boy did I find some. When I usually go hunting for new pics, I'll find a few here and there as I browse. But last night the story ideas just kept coming. I'd conservatively say I got about 15 solid new ideas, as well as some simple quick ones such as the one I used for today's caption. I'm going to try to see if I can find some extra time to turn out a few this weekend, as I really like some of the stuff I have planned. I'd say have a nice weekend, but I've got a good feeling that I'll be posting at least one more new caption before it's over.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Itch

I finally finished my final request from 2011! And it only took me two months to do it... Yay? This was done for Tatiana over at Rachel's Haven. I've done other stuff for her like this, and also this. During the writing process I took a bit of a deviation from her request, but I really like where it ended up so I'm hoping she will too.
But if not, at least I like it. I'm pretty sure that's the exact opposite sentiment of the last request I did, but whatever. It's my site, and I do it for free, I do what I want. That being said, if any of you would like to request something feel free to send it my way either through email or formspring. You all have made this blog such a success, you should have some say in what gets made... Not all of the say... but some, definitely some.
Have a great week everyone!

Lesson Plan

Hey everyone. I know it's been a few days since my last update, and while I want to say things will get better, I'd probably be lying. I just don't have the free time to turn out as much material as I'd like. Part of the reason is because I'm now putting a lot more effort into design than I did in the past, but it's mostly because I just have ton of other things that have to get done. But such is life, although I hate having to put my hobbies on hold.
So here's your new caption for the week. I'm not sure if I like the images or not. While I love the emotion and action they present, I'm not a big fan of either of the models. But the story was too good to pass up so I made it anyway. I was kind of torn over whether or not to describe the transformation or not. While I think it would have been nice, space constraints made it an easy thing to scratch from the final edit. I didn't have another image and I hate it when the writing gets too small, so it went in the trash.
Let me know if you want to see more out there kind of transformations/situations, or if you prefer my normal stuff. Although to be fair, calling any of the stuff I publish normal is quite the stretch. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Submissive Love

Well so much for getting this up over the weekend, but better late than never. I have to say I really like this caption. For those of you who usually read this post first, I'd suggest reading the caption before continuing on.
Finished? Cool. Anyway, now that you're back, I was saying how much I like this caption. I'm sure it won't be everyone's cup of tea, and I'm sure I might sound like a bit of a arrogant ass for this, but I don't care. Well let me rephrase, I don't care if you dislike this particular caption. If you don't want to see more like it feel free to tell me, as I really do try to make the kinds of stuff you all want to read. But every so often you just have to make one for yourself, which this one most likely falls into. And it's not because of the story, and it's not because of the fantasy situation, as neither of them really fit my usual tastes. It's because of the last line.
The entire rest of the caption is something I've written plenty of times before, typical forced lesbian, etc. But when I finished with all of that, I still wasn't satisfied. I just really wanted something...more. I wanted to care about the main character, about what he went through. Yet as it was, I didn't. Not any more than I've cared about any other main character I've used. So I added the last line, and it made all the difference. Suddenly this is someone with hopes and dreams and he's forced to watch them all be destroyed because he's trying to give his wife what she wants. But in order to get closer to the woman he loves, he gives in to her desire to abandon their old relationship and form a new one that follows a mistress-sub mentality, which creates distance between them. There's still love, just a different kind of love. And he's willing to take whatever he can get.
I know that may be more depth than most people want in a quick caption like this, and if this doesn't work for you I promise there will be plenty more of my old style in the future. But I just couldn't write the usual today, I needed to care about something. Maybe it's just because I don't have the chance to write as much as I used to that I felt the need to make this one mean something, I don't know. Anyway, to those of you who actually read all this, thank you. I hoped you gained a little insight into what I was trying to do. Or maybe you just think I'm a pretentious ass, that's certainly possible too.
Happy Monday everyone!

Preliminary Testing

I had some fun with this one. Sometimes you just need a little humor and a ridiculous situation. It's kind of funny how I'm making more captions with images I never would have used before. A few months ago I would have seen this pic and thought there's no way in hell I'm using that. But now I saw her expression and the cap pretty much wrote itself. I guess that's one way to make sure you're still putting out original stuff. Anyway, I hope you're having a good week so far.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Earn Your Reward

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Saturday, 2 November 2013


Hey everyone, I'm not dead! But rather than give an unsatisfying excuse as for why I've been gone for almost two weeks, I decided to post two new captions. These were both requests from Candy over at Candy's World of TG & Transformation. I've done a ton of requests for her, including one of the first captions I uploaded to this blog. I'm going to try to get at least one more caption made this weekend in an effort to make up for my unexpected absence, as I still have one outstanding request that I've been sitting on for almost a month...damn does real life get in the way a lot.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Embracing His New Identity

It took me almost a month to find the time to make this caption, but it's finally done. This was a request by Tatiana over at Rachel's Haven, another one of the members of the tg community I frequently caption. Anyway, she gave me pretty much free reign to make what I wanted based on her preferences. I knew I was going to do a mental struggle as it's one of her favorite things to read and one of my favorite to write. But I didn't go into this expecting to make a maid caption. The reason I ended up going that route is I noticed "french maid" was listed twice in her preferences, but I didn't see a maid caption in the past couple months of captions made for her on her trading gallery thread (sorry if you don't visit the Haven that last sentence probably didn't make much sense.) So I decided to give her what she's been asking for, and luckily I found a great photo set to use. The end result is this three panel caption, which I'm pretty happy with. It's got a similar feel to my Kylie captions (which I plan on revisiting soon) with a bit of a darker undertone. Overall, I really like how it turned out, and I hope Tatiana does too.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Isn't Magic Fun?

Two days, two captions, now that's more like it. This was a lot of fun to write as I love rhyming couplets. I'm pretty sure that comes from the heavy diet of Dr. Seuss I grew up with. Anyway, I figured it was time to have a little fun with my writing which inspired this cute little transformation poem. The last line still bugs me as I couldn't get the right number of syllables so the beat doesn't match, but whatever.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Corporate Punishment

This was a request for Amber Smithe, who sent me the story outline and a massive photo set she wanted me to use images from. I changed the story around a bit as I decided to tell the whole thing through dialog, which also had the added effect of leading me to write the most awkward transformation description I've ever had in a caption. But as a whole I like how it turned out, and I hope Amber does too.
On a less pleasant note, I'm going to be taking some time off from captioning. I know what some of you are thinking "You're updating once every two weeks as it is, how much more time off do you need?"
To that I point. But here's my current creative process:
My current captions take me about 2 hours to make when you put everything together (image, background, story, formatting). But I usually only have about an hour of free time for captioning. So what usually happens is I end up with a lot of half formed ideas that end up on my to do list. Then when I do get time to revisit the ideas, I want to do something really good as I haven't posted in a while which kills my motivation to do most of the stuff I put on the list.
So I'm taking some time off where I won't look at anything captioning related. Hopefully it won't be much longer than the breaks between my updates are now, and I'll come back with some fresh ideas and the energy to do them. Some more free time would help too, but that doesn't see too likely.
Anyway, see you all again in a bit.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

How Lucky You Are

Nothing too special with today's update. I've had this image in my "To Caption" folder for a long time and I finally decided it was time to just get it done. It's nothing that hasn't been done many times before by myself and plenty of others, but I still think it turned out okay.
I'm going to try to turn out at least one new caption a week now that I'm back. It's a bit of a step down from my ideal of three updates every week, but I'm still trying to find a balance between sticking to a schedule and actually finding the time to create new material.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Angel in the Night

Happy weekend everyone. I had planned on using my down time today to find some new images and then create a new caption tomorrow, but this image just wouldn't wait. The story formed so quickly that I didn't want to risk losing it so I quit my search and went right into captioning. Unfortunately the speed with which I created the story was not present in the formatting process as well. I went through a ton of backgrounds before finding one I liked, and then it took me a longer than it should have to work it into my standard layout without the test becoming illegible. Needless to say the whole process just reminded me of why I'm primarily a writer, and not a designer.
Speaking of design, I've been considering including my titles in the captions themselves. Under my current system all my captions are labeled by their "production code" of C# while they're being made (which explains the odd names of the files I upload to the blog). I don't come up with a title until I'm making the actual blog post. But for today's caption the title came as I was writing it. I briefly messed around with including it before deciding I had spent enough time on this caption already and just went ahead without. But the whole process had me wondering, do you all want to see titles included in the actual caption? Or do you like the way they're formatted now?

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Fast Learner

As promised, here's something a little more...risque. I'm still on the fence about titles, but then again I'm not the best at coming up with new layouts, as anyone can quickly tell by the fact that I only use two, depending on the image orientation. I'll keep playing around with them and hopefully I'll find something that works soon enough. Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Mornings with Kylie

I'm still playing around with the idea of adding titles. I haven't found a way that I like yet, but don't be surprised if you see them start to show up here and there.
I haven't done a Kylie caption in a while, so I decided it was time for her to reappear and make my life a little more interesting once again. Not my best work, but I had a lot of fun writing it as I get write dialog and be sarcastic, which just happen to be two of my favorite activities.
For those of you who are new and unfamiliar with this little universe of mine, all you need to catch up can be found here. You can also click on the Kylie tag to see what other shenanigans the two of us get up to.


My first caption with the title in the image. I'm fairly happy with how the caption ended up looking, the story is nothing special though. It's funny, I actually meant for this to be one of my standard forced lesbian taunting captions but I just couldn't make it happen. The past couple captions have been relatively clean (at least for my standards anyway) as I haven't been in a good smut writing mood in a while. I'll try to dirty things up a bit in the next update as I know that's what most of you come here looking for in the first place.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Fairy Tale Ending

Fair warning, this is not a typical tg caption. For lack of a better term, I'm calling it writer porn. I didn't feel like creating the usual kind of caption today, but I still felt like writing. So I decided to play around with the idea of a character who has undergone a transformation, and is now realizing it wasn't the quick fix she was looking for. Actually, if it wasn't for the context of this blog, this wouldn't be a tg caption at all, as there is no mention of the gender change in the story. But seeing as we all know why we're here, I figured the transformation was implied enough. Anyway, thanks for putting up with my self-indulgence once again.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Just Ask

I've been in a bit of a rut these past couple of weeks. I'm still putting out new captions, but I haven't really loved any of them. I just sort of feel like I'm spinning my wheels. So I'm taking a tip from my newest caption and asking for what I want. If you've got a few minutes check out the new page I just added the explains what my current situation is and how I think it can be fixed. I'd really appreciate it.
Anyway, here's a new caption for your viewing pleasure. 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Oh So Pretty

Hey there everyone, I've got some good news for all of you. I'm not dead! Yay!
I just decided to take a break from the tg community for a while to try to clear my head. But now I'm back, and hopefully better than ever.
To everyone who gave me feedback on my last post and on the new page I created, thank you. No seriously, thank you. There were a lot of great suggestions on new topics to explore and things to consider and you all gave me a lot to think about. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
So with some new ideas, a nice stack of new images, and a clear head, let's see if I can pull off a string of new captions for all of you lovely readers. Sound good to you? Because it sounds fantastic to me.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Look with Your Hands

Here's a quickie a pulled together with a little time I found this afternoon. There's really no reason for it to be two panels, but I really liked both of these pictures so I decided to stretch the story a bit and use a larger font to justify using both. Again, I'm just playing around with some different points of view than I normally use in an effort to keep things somewhat original. I can't say I love this one, but at least I don't feel like I've told this story twenty times before.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Panty Punishment

What is this, three new captions on three consecutive days? And this is my fourth new caption this week? It's almost like I'm turning out new content on a consistent basis.
This is just another quickie that I'm using to play around with new ideas and new perspectives. Again, it's nothing fancy or really erotic, but hopefully stuff like this will keep the creative juices flowing so when I do get a good idea I don't freeze up with a case of writer's block again.