It took me almost a month to find the time to make this caption, but
it's finally done. This was a request by Tatiana over at Rachel's Haven,
another one of the members of the tg community I frequently caption.
Anyway, she gave me pretty much free reign to make what I wanted based
on her preferences. I knew I was going to do a mental struggle as it's
one of her favorite things to read and one of my favorite to write. But I
didn't go into this expecting to make a maid caption. The reason I
ended up going that route is I noticed "french maid" was listed twice in
her preferences, but I didn't see a maid caption in the past couple
months of captions made for her on her trading gallery thread (sorry if
you don't visit the Haven that last sentence probably didn't make much
sense.) So I decided to give her what she's been asking for, and luckily
I found a great photo set to use. The end result is this three panel
caption, which I'm pretty happy with. It's got a similar feel to my
Kylie captions (which I plan on revisiting soon) with a bit of a darker
undertone. Overall, I really like how it turned out, and I hope Tatiana
does too.