So 300 followers. I can't believe this blog made it this far. Back when I
first started posting my stuff here this, along with one million page
views, was the ultimate milestone I wanted to hit. At the time it seemed
like the kind of achievement I would spend my entire captioning career
trying to reach, and would be the final proof to myself that I deserved
to consider myself a quality caption creator.
Less than two years later, here we are. I don't think I can say how much
I appreciate everyone who reads this blog. It still kind of blows my
mind that there are so many of you who show up just to see something I
created. I could ramble on and on about this, but I don't want to go all
mushy on you, so I'll just keep it simple. Thank you.
Seriously. Thank You.
And while this used to be my ultimate goal for this blog, I have to say
that 400 is sounding pretty good, maybe I'll stick around and see what