Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Empty Apology
I still don't know when I found the time to write this, but here's your
regularly scheduled update. This week has been crazy, but I'm staying on
top of things pretty well so far. I just hope I can keep this up for
the next few days. Anyway this is an image I've been sitting on for a
bit, I always knew the general story for what I wanted to write, but for
some reason I was never happy with my previous attempts. And yet by
some force of luck or inspiration, I finally got something I could live
with, and with the time constraints I have this week I can't afford to
be picky. See you Friday...hopefully...

Monday, 29 December 2014
Suck It All Away
I didn't have as much time to write as I wanted this weekend, but I
still managed to pull a quick new caption together for you. Nothing too
special, but I like it. Sorry for being brief, but I'm looking at
another hectic week, but there's not much I can do about it so I'll just
keep squeezing in writing time wherever I can. Happy Monday.

Saturday, 27 December 2014
Not What it Looks Like
Another quick caption I managed to squeeze into my schedule. I actually
didn't have an ending in mind when I started writing this, so I was
pleasantly surprised at where it ended up. It's always nice when you can
just run with an idea and like where it takes you. I've got a couple of
short series in the works, so I'm going to try to finish one of them
for either Friday or Monday, depending on when I find the time. See you

Thursday, 25 December 2014
Consolation Prize
Another letter format! I guess I liked the first one so much I felt the
need to make another. Yay for easy plot devices! As if the tg world
didn't have enough of those already... What actually happened was life
got in the way of finishing the series I was working on so I needed to
make something that was only one panel. Going through my image catalog I
found this pic and I started writing whatever came to mind. A few quick
edits later and this is what I got. For how quickly I pulled this
together I think it turned out pretty well. Hopefully the rest of the
week will be a little smoother so I can finish up something a little
longer for Friday.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014
The Kind of Body
Another caption where the picture gave me a general idea of where to
start, and then I just ran with it to see where I ended up. I certainly
didn't go anywhere new with this one, but they can't all be
groundbreaking. Sometimes you just revisit an old idea and hope you add a
little something new to it. I'm not sure I accomplished that goal
either, but I still like how this one turned out. If a situation shows
up enough to become to cliche, it was probably to be good enough to
warrant repeating in the first place. Either that or I'm just lazy,
which is probably true as well. See you Friday.

Sunday, 21 December 2014
The Big Reveal
Hey everyone, I hope you had a nice weekend. I spent most of mine
working which wasn't a whole lot of fun, but I least I got some stuff
accomplished; such as this caption. I think I could have done a better
job with the actual writing, but I really like this concept. But that's
the downside to putting myself on a deadline. As much as I would have
loved to keep rewriting this until I got it right, I needed to put out a
new caption. It should hopefully continue to make my captions better in
the long run, but you'll have to be the judge of that. See you

Friday, 19 December 2014
Drama Queen
Ugh. That's pretty much the only word that describes how I feel right
now. It's just been one of those weeks that keeps dumping more and more
on the already enormous pile of stuff I have to get done. The only
bright side is despite feeling like crap, I was able to force myself to
write something new. While it might not be anything spectacular, I'm
just happy that I've finally gotten to the point where posting has
become a habit. Being able to write through blocks and a lack of
motivation is something I've been working on for a long time, so it's
nice to see I'm making progress in at least one area. Here's hoping the
rest of the week is better than the first few days.

Thursday, 18 December 2014
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
A Delightful Spell
Happy Monday everyone. As of right now this week is looking to be much
better than the past two for me, which hopefully means everything is
back on schedule. Here are a couple of short captions I pulled together
for you, pretty typical to most of my earlier work. Seeing as I had
taken a bit of a forced break, I wanted to make some pieces I know I
know how to write. I turned these out pretty easily so everything's
looking good for getting back to normal. See you Wednesday.

Sunday, 14 December 2014
Altering the Arrangement
I've got good news and bad news. The good news is I've managed to finish
two new captions so that the updates are now back on schedule. The bad
news is life decided I wasn't done with the insanity of the past two
weeks so I didn't have a lot of time to make these. So while they're
both fairly short, it's better than nothing. Eventually I'm going to
find the time to sit down and write something longer. As much as I love
single panels, I'm feeling the need to do something with a little more
depth. Now I just have to find a way to get the world to give me the
time to do actually do it. See you Friday.

Friday, 12 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Thorough Punishment
Sorry about the delay, but here you go. I haven't done anything in the
third person for a while, so I decided to go back to it. I really prefer
the first person, but I like to mix things up to add a little diversity
to my work. I also haven't described a transformation in a while, so I
threw in one of those as well. Honestly, I always feel like these types
of captions are some of my weaker pieces. I guess that's because I write
dialog so easily I tend to neglect more distant perspectives, so I
don't practice them as much as I should. I've read so many captions and
stories that describe transformations so much better than I ever could,
so I tend to avoid them as no one likes admitting their shortcomings.
But it's something I really need to do more often as that's the only way
I'm ever going to get better at it. See you Wednesday.

Monday, 8 December 2014
An early Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate, if you're not
sick after dinner you did something wrong. I finally get a few days off
for the holiday, so hopefully I'll be able to make some longer captions
that I've been planning for a while. As it is, this is another single
panel I pulled together earlier today. The idea's been done over and
over in the tg world, but I still like how this one turned out. Also,
because of the holiday there's a chance the Friday update will come out
Friday afternoon, but I'll try to get it out at the usual time.

Saturday, 6 December 2014
And I'm only an hour and a half late, not too bad. The last update
focused on the submissive aspect of a transformation, so I decided to do
a thematic prequel to the situation. It's not the same situation, but
it's not hard to see how the two tie together. I love a good monologue,
and once I got this one started it pretty much wrote itself. I didn't do
a whole lot of editing, so this is as close to stream of consciousness
as you'll probably see from me. It's always fun to create a character
and just let them talk for a while. If you're lucky you'll end up
somewhere interesting. Have a good weekend everyone.

Thursday, 4 December 2014
Her Smile
I didn't have a ton of time to write this week, but I knew that I wanted
to do something a little different than the usual. So I decided on
focusing on how a third party might react to a transformation, using a
true second person perspective. Second person is what was used for the
old Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books and not much else. That's probably
because it can be a little awkward to write and read since it tells the
reader what he or she is doing, but I wanted to see if I could pull it
off. You'll have to let me know if I was successful. See you Friday.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014
What's wrong with a little overindulgence?
We've finally reached the halfway point of Seven. Hopefully the second half goes a little faster than the first.

So in this installment I wanted to look at the binge nature of the tg
community. I know that when I first found entire websites devoted to
this material, it wasn't uncommon for me to lose three to four hours
chunks of time as I lost myself in reading every caption on the site.
Things have gotten a little better now that I've been around for a few
years, but there are still plenty of times I've pushed back going to bed
for an hour or two in order to read newly posted captions, and I know
I'm not alone in doing that.
It's always difficult to say no to a free service, especially one that
can cater so specifically to what you want. And it doesn't help that
both sides actively encourage the behavior. Artists want more page views
and comments, and readers want to see more material, allowing the two
to fuel each other on to some crazy levels of production and
Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, I love the way this
community interacts and creates. I've just learned I have to be careful
when I sit down to see what's been recently published, especially if I
don't have the rest of the day free.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Sexy Little Sluts
My official "Thank You" caption to celebrate 300 followers

So 300 followers. I can't believe this blog made it this far. Back when I
first started posting my stuff here this, along with one million page
views, was the ultimate milestone I wanted to hit. At the time it seemed
like the kind of achievement I would spend my entire captioning career
trying to reach, and would be the final proof to myself that I deserved
to consider myself a quality caption creator.
Less than two years later, here we are. I don't think I can say how much
I appreciate everyone who reads this blog. It still kind of blows my
mind that there are so many of you who show up just to see something I
created. I could ramble on and on about this, but I don't want to go all
mushy on you, so I'll just keep it simple. Thank you.
Seriously. Thank You.
And while this used to be my ultimate goal for this blog, I have to say
that 400 is sounding pretty good, maybe I'll stick around and see what

Saturday, 29 November 2014
Is it still a sin if it's the truth?

Up until this point, each installment of this series has been about the community as a whole.
This one is all on me.

So with past installments, I've been focusing on ideas that affect the
community as a whole. Envy was about the eventual dissatisfaction that
someone who actually undergoes a transformation might feel, Wrath
focused on anger towards the male sex, Sloth looked at how empty a so
called "fantasy life" might really be, and Gluttony touched on the binge
behavior promoted by tg caption sites.
While I can put myself into those situations, none of them really ring
true with me. So I decided that I've spent enough time making other
members of the community uncomfortable, it was time I did the same to
And so we have Pride.
I want to make this very clear. If you as a caption consumer or a
creator who can relate to this piece, that's fantastic. But this is 100%
about a huge negative aspect of my own personality.
I'm a very competitive person, and I always have been. Whether it was in
school, or athletics, or just playing a stupid game with my friends, I
needed to win.
Unfortunately this trait followed me as I began captioning. One of my
main motivators for starting making my own captions was the belief that I
could do it better than a lot of the people I saw being fairly
successful with what I believed to be sub-par captions at best.
This was especially true back at tf-media where I got my start. I kept
track of the people who joined the site around the same time I did, and I
made it a personal goal to make better captions, and more of them, than
they did. And while that did push me to become a better caption
creator, I'm still ashamed of the joy I felt at the time upon seeing my
captions get more likes and comments than theirs did.
When I moved to this blog, my competitive nature was still there,
although it had died down a little. I still compared myself to other
blogs, often using page views as a way to "keep score."
I have gotten considerably better about keeping this side of me in
check, but whenever I find a new blog I still compare the quality of
captions and the number of page views or followers to mine.
Which brings us back to this caption. This is always going to be a part
of who I am, but it's my responsibility to not let it dictate the way I
handle myself both within this community, or in the real world.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
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